Sunday, June 3, 2012

Summer Challenge Week 3 results

I think there must have been something in the air this week, as we had a few gains between us. Maybe we all over indulged on our Memorial Day celebrations!

We are almost half way through the challenge, so how are you doing? Are you where you wanted to be? Are you going to do anything different for the rest of the challenge? Last week I asked you all to try something different, what did you try? I must confess I never tried anything new this week :(

So numbers time. We sadly lost one person from the challenge this week so are down to 17 participants, that gives you all a little bit of a better chance of winning now. Between us we lost 4.15lbs which was a total of  0.12%.  After three weeks a total loss of 61.3lbs - so well done to you all.

Do you think you made the title of biggest loser this week? The title goes to Alexis A (@divaonadiet) who lost 1.78% this week. Well done to you and our overall biggest loser title goes to Lisa S (@LisascottLisa) who has lost a total of 5.49% in the challenge.

Remember next week is week 4 and we have a prize for the halfway winner. It could still be you.

Let's focus on exercise this week. How many of you can go the whole day and not get out and do any exercise? It's surprisingly easy for the day to pass. So this week lets try our hardest to get out for at least 30 minutes exercise each day, whether it be a walk at lunchtime or first thing in the morning.

Good luck to everyone for the week ahead

1 comment:

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