Just in case you weren't aware (and missed my hundreds of updates on twitter and Facebook!) I'm currently flying from San Francisco to London Heathrow on a Virgin Atlantic flight. As you can see from the back of my passport I like flying with Virgin

They are the only carrier I will use long haul and are fantastic, I've never had a bad flight or bad experience and the staff are super helpful and friendly, and they did a great job when we flew our dogs from LHR to SFO in 2009.

Today I flew in Premium Economy, which means I got a bit of extra leg and seat room, which is always handy when you are on the bigger side and has helped with my disk injury too as I've been able to move around more. The flight has gone really quick this time, I think the fact I only had four hours sleep last night helped, as I've just slept for 5 hours on the flight which is something I never normally do! Got on the flight and read 150 pages of the new Sophie Kinsella book called 'Ive got your number' which is really good so far. I then enjoyed a nice dinner ( you get proper cutlery and plates in premium) and watched Dolphin Tale (good movie) then slept for 5 hours.

Was shocked to wake up and see less than 90 mins left in the flight :)
Just been served a full English breakfast (well a compact version, (mini English sausage, proper rasher of English back bacon, cherry tomato, scrambled egg and mushrooms!) plus a banana for good measure :)
Still doesn't feel real I'm going home yet. I find it normally hits me when we land and the pilot says 'We have now arrived at London Heathrow, thank you for traveling with Virgin, enjoy your stay in London and for the rest of you welcome home' That's when it becomes real and I start crying, just typing that has made me shed a few tears.
I'm writing this on my US iPhone which I'm hoping will work on wifi (as verizon data roaming costs are super expensive) when I get there so I can upload this post. I also have my UK iPhone and iPad too if that fails :)
Oh yeah passenger update, I ended up sat next to the perfect passenger (in my eyes) An English lady who said hello when she sat down and then promptly went to sleep and hasn't disturbed me since.
And I had a #NSV I didn't need a seat belt extender :)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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