Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas in England

It's strange sat here at home surrounded by Christmas cards and tree and decorations as it kind of feels like Christmas is over - and no that isn't me being a Christmas grinch!!

As most of you will know Dave and I have just been back home to England for a visit and we had lots and lots of fun. Whilst there we met up with all our family and celebrated Christmas early. We had Christmas dinner, decorations, tree lighting, visits to Santa and there was even snow (although I never actually saw it fall from the sky!). I thought I had some photos on my phone to share with you guys, but just checked and I don't appear to have any on there - sorry! So now that we've had all our presents and meals, we don't really have anything to celebrate, although there is one wrapped present under our tree, and we will still be skyping with family Christmas day, but it was strange coming back and everyone talking about their Christmas plans when we have already done it all.

Whilst in England I went to London a few times, went with family to see Santa at Harrods, Ill be honest it was a little disappointing, but I think the kids liked it - I personally thought Santa was a little creepy and his elf was very miserable. I also went with my sister to the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park, was really good, was free to get into but things weren't cheap once you were in there. We spent a few hours in there and enjoyed the ice kingdom and playing a few of the fairground games. We also went to see The Bodyguard the musical, was really really good, although the big shooting scene I think could have been better done. 

Was great to meet up with friends as well as family, and I'm always amazed at how easily we all fall back into conversations as if we had seen each other the other day rather than many months ago. Guess that is a sign of a good friendship. I think that having facebook helps a lot too as it doesn't feel like you have been away for that long or you are that far away.

Food, food, food. Yes I ate loads even though I said I wouldn't! I made it to Gregg's - twice in fact, the sausage rolls are still awesome. I skipped the curry, egg custard tarts and bacon sarnies this time though. 

Got home Monday after a fantastic time away, was home only a few hours and suddenly got sick, the bathroom was my best friend for the next 12 hours!! I really thought like I was dying.  Not sure if it was food poisoning or a virus I had picked up, it's now day 4 and I am feeling so much better. Today I managed to venture out of the house and eat something other than toast. Plan to resume normal routines from tomorrow. Sadly I had to miss hubby's work holiday party tonight, still quite tired but think that is due to not eating much the last four days. On the plus side I was 6lbs lighter the second day of my sickness than I was before I went to England.

Today I purchased two domain names - this one and (name to be revealed shortly). I plan to move all of my weight loss posts/info over to the second blog - so you will see some changes here, as soon as I am finished setting up the second blog I will post with a link to it.

Sarah x

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