Had to share the conversation I had with the cashier in the hardware store today.
Cashier: Hi ma'am how are you today?
Me: Good thanks
Cashier: Cor blimey guv'nor - you're British (said in a very British accent)
Me: Yes I am
Cashier: (again in a British accent) Yes I am - that's so cute, you are so cute
I smiled politely in the hope the conversation would end there....
Cashier: have you heard of the spice girls?
Me: yes
Cashier: did you meet them?
Me: no but I used to live near one of their houses (true fact - one of then lived in Maidenhead!)
Cashier: (in an extremely loud and excited British accent) Oh my blooming god, that is spiffing
I roll my eyes at her and smile, I can feel the people behind me in line getting anxious for me to leave!
Cashier: did you watch their movie?
She then starts acting out scenes from the movie - including a scene about a little black dress!!
Me: I never saw the movie (ok that's a lie!!)
Cashier: do you like it when we mock your accent? Or not?
Me: I'm used to it, it's happens a lot
Cashier: you said 'a lot' that is so cute. I wish I could talk like you all the time.
Me: that's what everyone says
Cashier then goes back to scanning my goods (finally)
Then the best line I've heard yet
Cashier: so do you have special classes at school where you learn to talk like that? I wish we had classes like that.
Me: (after deciding not to burst her bubble) - yes at elementary school we have special speech lessons
Yes, I know I shouldn't encourage them.
Finally my goods are all rung up and she tells me the amount - clarifying I have to pay her in American dollars not British euros (yes again I didn't correct her that we still have the good old pound!)
Me: thanks
Cashier: (in a British accent) have a spiffing day, are you going home for a cup of tea now
Me: yes!!
Cashier: do you think I would be allowed to live in England if I could talk like you?
Me: maybe
Cashier: there are lots of you (I guess she meant Brits) living here, it's not fair. But it's OK as I think you are all cute. Come back soon and talk to me
At which point I left.