Tuesday, November 16, 2010

One year on...

Today is our 1 year Ameriversary, exactly one year ago to this moment we were on a plane heading for our new life in California.
The last year has gone so quickly, and Im pleased to say we are still loving it here :)
Does feel strange sometimes when we say we live in America, and especially days like today when its the middle of November and really warm, then you realise you are in California. I do occasionally miss the rain and I definitely miss the snow.
We do also have the 'down days' when we miss family and friends at home, and other little things we used to do, but overall we made the right decision to move here. We have had friends and family come visit which is nice, and Ive been home once which was good to catch up with people.
We have a few friends/family who have had babies or got pregnant since we left, and that is a bit weird, especially seeing someone with a baby when the last time you saw them they werent even pregnant!!
An 11 hour flight is a long time, but it is certainly worth it to see friends and family, and Im sure those who have visited will agree too :)

Here's to another year in America :)

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